

Title Description Start Date End Date File
Objections are called on Provisional Lists of Lab- Technician Gr.II and F.N.O. :: DM & HO, Srikakulam District

Reg. APM&HS – Filling up of the vacant posts of Lab- Technician Gr.II and F.N.O.

Provisional lists of LT and FNO posts for 02 days i.e., 29-01-2025 and 30-01-2025 shall be displayed on and if any objections, candidates have to report at O/o DM & HO, Srikakulam.

Timings           : 10:30 am – 05:00 pm

Dates               : 29-01-2025 to 30-01-2025.

29/01/2025 30/01/2025 View (243 KB) LAB TECHNICIAN (707 KB) FNO (261 KB)
Govt. Medical College Srikakulam – Selection list for Combined Recruitment of GMC, GGH and GCON Srikakulam

Selection list for Recruitment of various posts to work on contract/outsourcing basis at Government Medical College Srikakulam, Govt. General Hospital, Srikakulam and Govt. College of Nursing, Srikakulam  

Details of posts 

  1. Speech Therapist
  2. Junior Assistant
  3. Data Entry Operator
  4. Personal Assistant
  5. House Keeper
  6. Electrician
  7. Lab Attendant
  8. Attender
  9. Book Bearer
  10. Library Attendant
  11. Class Room Attendant
  12. MNO
  13. FNO
  14. Ayah


Start Date: 23-01-2025

End Date: 25-01-2025

23/01/2025 25/01/2025 View (944 KB)
FP Shop dealer notification in respect of Srikakulam Division

Notification issued for appointment of 107 FP Shop dealer posts (63 clear vacancies and 44 vacancies arised due to bifurcation) in the Srikakulam Division.

02/01/2025 23/01/2025 View (2 MB) ApplicationForm (237 KB)
Notification for filling of posts of Lab-Technician Gr.II (Contract) and F.N.O. (Outsourcing) :: DM & HO, Srikakulam District

Notification for filling of posts of Lab-Technician Gr.II (Contract) and F.N.O. (Outsourcing) :: DM & HO, Srikakulam District

17/01/2025 22/01/2025 View (3 MB) Application_Format (789 KB)
Notification for filling of the posts of Physician, Medical Officer, Clinical Psychologist, Optometrist and Dental Technician :: DM & HO, Srikakulam District

Notification for filling of the posts of Physician, Medical Officer, Clinical Psychologist, Optometrist and Dental Technician :: DM & HO, Srikakulam District

17/01/2025 22/01/2025 View (3 MB) Application__Format (789 KB)
Govt. Medical College Srikakulam – Final Merit list for Combined Recruitment of GMC, GGH and GCON Srikakulam
Final Merit list for Recruitment of various posts to work on contract/outsourcing basis at Government Medical College Srikakulam, Govt. General Hospital, Srikakulam and Govt. College of Nursing, Srikakulam 
Details of posts
1. Speech Therapist
2. Assistant Librarian
3. Junior Assistant
4. Data Entry Operator
5. Personal Assistant
6. House Keeper
7. Electrician
8. Lab Attendant
9. Attender
10. Book Bearer
11. Library Attendant
12. Class Room Attendant
13. MNO
14. FNO
15. Ayah
Start Date: 11-01-2025
End Date: 15-01-2025
11/01/2025 15/01/2025 View (481 KB) Attender final (789 KB) AYAH final (428 KB) Book Bearer final (485 KB) Classroom Attendant final (572 KB) DEO final (577 KB) Electrician final (467 KB) FNO final (526 KB) House Keeper final (442 KB) Junior Asst Final (632 KB) Lab Attendant Final (465 KB) Library Attendant final (655 KB) Personal Asst final2 (264 KB) Speech Therapist final (425 KB) MNO final (554 KB)
Govt. Medical College Srikakulam – Speaking Orders on Grievances of various posts

Speaking Orders on Grievances of the applicants of various posts to work at Government Medical College, Govt. General Hospital and Govt, College of Nursing, Srikakulam

08/01/2025 09/01/2025 View (641 KB)
Govt. Medical College Srikakulam – Provisional Merit list for Combined Recruitment of GMC, GGH and GCON Srikakulam

Provisional Merit list for Recruitment of various posts to work on contract/outsourcing basis at Government Medical College Srikakulam, Govt. General Hospital, Srikakulam and Govt. College of Nursing, Srikakulam 

The candidates are hereby informed that if they have any objections on the Provisional Merit Lists, they can submit their Grievances to the O/o. Principal, Government Medical College, Srikakulam on or before 4:00 PM of 06.01.2025.

The Speaking orders on the Grievances submitted by the candidates will be displayed on 07.01.2025 on this website.

02/01/2025 06/01/2025 View (274 KB) Asst Librarian (553 KB) Attender (780 KB) AYAH (427 KB) Book Bearer (478 KB) Class Room Attendant (572 KB) Data entry operator (596 KB) Electrician (475 KB) F.N.O (533 KB) House Keeper (440 KB) Junior Asst (624 KB) Lab Attendant (454 KB) Library Attendant (550 KB) M.N.O (553 KB) Personal Asst (448 KB) Speach Therapist (420 KB)
DBCS- Tender Notification of School Children Spectacles :: Srikakulam District

DBCS- Tender Notification of School Children Spectacles

Srikakulam District

21/12/2024 03/01/2025 View (611 KB) DBCS SKLM Tender Schedule (302 KB)
Notice Inviting Bid (NIB) :: TENDER FOR Selection of Contractors for Excavation and Loading of Sand for Eight (8) Sand Reaches in Srikakulam District, Andhra Pradesh

Notice Inviting Bid (NIB) :: TENDER FOR Selection of Contractors for Excavation and Loading of Sand for Eight (8) Sand Reaches in Srikakulam District, Andhra Pradesh :: District Level Sand Committee Srikakulam District

PDF files are in the following Order:

  1. Notice Details
  2. Andhavaram Sand Reach Tender Notification
  3. Andhavaram Sand Reach Application
  4. Bhyri Sand Reach Tender Notification
  5. Bhyri Sand Reach Application
  6. Dompaka Sand Reach Tender Notification
  7. Dompaka Sand Reach Application
  8. Kobagam – Kameswaripeta Sand Reach Tender Notification
  9. Kobagam Sand Reach Application
  10. Madapam Sand Reach Tender Notification
  11. Madapam Sand Reach Application
  12. Naira Sand Reach Tender Notification
  13. Naira Sand Reach Application
  14. Ponnam Sand Reach Tender Notification
  15. Ponnam Sand Reach Application
  16. Upparipeta Sand Reach Tender Notification
  17. Upparipeta Sand Reach Application
16/11/2024 29/11/2024 View (411 KB) Andhavaram sand reach Notice Inviting Bid(NIB)-15-11-24 (888 KB) Andhavaram sand reach application (1 MB) Bhyri sand reach Notice Inviting Bid(NIB)-15-11-24 (887 KB) Bhyri sand reach application (1 MB) Dompaka sand reach Notice Inviting Bid(NIB)-15-11-24 (803 KB) Dompaka sand reach application (1 MB) Kobagam sand reach Notice Inviting Bid(NIB)-15-11-24 (905 KB) Kobagam- Kameswaripeta sand reach application (1 MB) Madapam sand reach Notice Inviting Bid(NIB)-15-11-24 (811 KB) Madapam sand reach application (1 MB) Naira sand reach Notice Inviting Bid(NIB)-15-11-24 (898 KB) Naira sand reach application (1 MB) Ponnam sand reach Notice Inviting Bid(NIB)-15-11-24 (809 KB) Ponnam sand reach application (1 MB) Upparipeta sand reach Notice Inviting Bid(NIB)-15-11-24 (888 KB) Upparipeta sand reach application (1 MB)