

Title Description Start Date End Date File
Limited Notification for recruitment of Paramedical & Other on Contract/Out Sourcing basis for one year period in APVVP hospitals -Merit Lists and Speaking Orders

Limited Notification for recruitment of Paramedical & Other on Contract/Out Sourcing basis for one year period in APVVP hospitals -Merit Lists and Speaking Orders

22/11/2023 23/11/2023 View (46 KB) LA_New (521 KB) LT_New (3 MB) SO (681 KB)

Land Acquisition- Mulapeta Greenfield Port- Rail Connectivity to the Port- Revised Requisition received from the APMB authorities- certain extent mismatches Identified from already published PN- report published in concerned villages- Publication of report submitted by the Sub Collector, Tekkali as per Sections 11(d) of RTFCLAR&R Act 2013.

23/09/2023 22/11/2023 View (7 MB)
Group IV Services – Final Selection list of the recruitment for the post of Junior Assistant cum Computer Assistant in Revenue Department, Srikakulam District

Final Selection list of the recruitment for the post of Junior Assistant cum Computer Assistant in Revenue Department, Srikakulam District

18/10/2023 18/11/2023 View (551 KB)
APVVP – DCHS SRIKAKULAM – Limited Notification for recruitment of Paramedical & Other on Contract/Out Sourcing basis for one year period in APVVP hospitals

Limited Notification for recruitment of  Paramedical & Other on Contract/Out Sourcing basis for one year period in APVVP hospitals

16/11/2023 18/11/2023 View (50 KB) LA_merit (355 KB) LT_MeritList (3 MB)
GGH, Srikakulam – Provisional merit list for the recruitment of C-Arm Tech, Dialysis Tech, O.T Asst. and Supporting staff to work in Kidney research centre and dialysis unit on outsourcing basis

GGH, Srikakulam – Provisional merit list for the recruitment of C-Arm Tech, Dialysis Tech, O.T Asst. and Supporting staff to work in Kidney research center and dialysis unit on outsourcing basis.

Grievance submitted to this office on or before 14.11.2023 by 5.00 PM if any.


10/11/2023 14/11/2023 View (36 KB) Provisional_merit_list_of_certain_categories (4 MB)
DM & HO Srikakulam :: Provisional merit list of Staff Nurse and Supporting staff of SNCU Recruitment Notification – 10/2023

As per the instructions of the District Collector, Srikakulam the provisional merit list was prepared for the post of Staff Nurses and Supporting Staff in the SNCU Recruitment- 10/2023. The applied candidates can submit their grievances if any, at O/o. DM&HO, Srikakulam from  09.11.2023 to 10.11.2023.



Dr B. Meenakshi.
District Medical and Health Officer
09/11/2023 10/11/2023 View (49 KB) Staff Nurse provisional merit list (563 KB) Supporting staff provisional merit list (591 KB)
Department of Mines & Geology :: District Survey Report – 2023, Srikakulam District. Dated:20/10/2023

I invite kind attention and submit that  the Director of Mines and Geology, Ibrahimpatnam  informed that M/s APSAC communicated the draft District Survey Report pertains to Srikakulam  District. The same shall  be placed in the public domain on District Portal for a period of 21 days along with E-Mail ID:suggestionsondsr[at]gmail[dot]com for receiving suggestions from the General public. The comments and suggestions received from the general public during the said period  will be sent to the DMGO, Srikakulam  for updation, Otherewise the draft DSR which is kept  in the public domain is deemed agreed and the same shall be approved  by the Collector and District Magistrate, Srikakulam. The approved DSR by the Collector and District Magistrate, Srikakulam  shall be submitted to the DMG to get approval from the SEIAA for further necessary action. 

In this connection, the Collector and District Magistrate, Srikakulam is here by requested to kindly Place the draft District Survey Report, Srikakulam in District Website for a period of 21 days duly communicate the E-Mail for receiving suggestions from the General public.  

Encl:  Draft District Survey Report


District Mines and Geology Officer,


20/10/2023 09/11/2023 View (5 MB)
APVVP – DCHS SRIKAKULAM – Limited Notification for recruitment of Paramedical & Other on Contract/Out Sourcing basis for one year period in APVVP hospitals

Limited Notification for recruitment of  Paramedical & Other on Contract/Out Sourcing basis in APVVP hospitals The candidates are  directed to submit  applications along  with relevant documents at DCHS,  office, 3rd floor of DM&HO   Office campus, Srikakulam from 03.11.2023 to 06.11.2023 in office hours.

03/11/2023 06/11/2023 View (52 KB) Limited notification (2) (1 MB) Application Form (927 KB)
GGH Srikakulam :: Notification and next in merit list for kidney research center and dialysis unit at Palasa, Srikakulam District

GGH Srikakulam :: Notification and next in merit list for kidney research center and dialysis unit at Palasa, Srikakulam District

04/11/2023 06/11/2023 View (263 KB) List of Candidates for Certificate Verification (64 KB)
DM & HO, Srikakulam District :: Provisional list of the applied Candidates for the post of Staff Nurses and Supporting Staff in the SNCU Recruitment 10/2023

As per the instructions of the District Collector, Srikakulam the provisional list was prepared for the post of Staff Nurses and Supporting Staff in the SNCU Recruitment- 10/2023. The applied candidates can submit their grievances if any, at O/o. DM&HO, Srikakulam from 03.11.2023 to 04.11.2023.



Dr B. Meenakshi,

District Medical and Health Officer,


03/11/2023 05/11/2023 View (383 KB) Staff Nurse Provisional List (799 KB) Supporting Staff Provisional List (620 KB)